Education Paper II UGC-NET Dec 2013

UGC NET December-2013 Paper II Education 

1. A common feature of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism is belief about
(A) the unreality of the world
(B) the existence of God
(C) the soul
(D) karma and rebirth
Answer: (D) karma and rebirth

2. ‘Epistemology’ means
(A) stem cell research
(B) study of the nature of knowledge
(C) study of the nature of values
(D) study of the nature of the world
Answer: (B) study of the nature of knowledge

3. In Indian Philosophy ‘pramana’ means
(A) oath
(B) measurement
(C) assurance
(D) source of knowledge
Answer: (D) source of knowledge

4. Which of the following is the source material about the Jain way of life?
(A) Dhammapada
(B) Karma Kanda
(C) Tripitaka
(D) Tri-ratna
Answer: (D) Tri-ratna

5. The Schools of Vedanta are
(A) Dharma, Artha and Moksa
(B) Advaita, Dwaita and Visishtadvaita
(C) Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
(D) the orthodox and the heterodox
Answer: (B) Advaita, Dwaita and Visishtadvaita

6. A researcher is interested in studying the flood victims. Which one of the following is a suitable sample selection method?
(A) Random Sampling
(B) Stratified Sampling
(C) Systematic Sampling
(D) Purposive Sampling
Answer: (D) Purposive Sampling

7. Match the Measurement Scales in List – I which can be used with appropriate Statistics in List – II:

      List – I                     List – II
a. Nominal Scales   i. Geometric Mean
b. Ordinal Scales     ii. Frequency Distribution
c. Interval Scales     iii. Median & Rank Correlation
d. Ratio Scales        iv. Mean, SD & Correlations
        a   b   c   d
(A)   iv   iii   ii   i
(B)   i    iii   ii   iv
(C)   ii   iii   iv   i
(D)   i   iv   iii   ii
Answer: (C) ii   iii   iv   i

8. Which one of the following tests can be used to examine the differences in Mathematics achievement of boys and girls?
(A) Correlational Test
(B) ‘t’ Test
(C) Chi-square Test
(D) Anova
Answer: (B) ‘t’ Test

9. There is a significant positive correlation between variables X and Y. This means that:
(A) X causes variation in Y.
(B) Y causes variation in X.
(C) X and Y vary together in opposite directions.
(D) X and Y vary together in the same direction.
Answer: (D) X and Y vary together in the same direction.

10. “Education and Society are two mutually supporting systems, interconnected, that one cannot thrive in the absence of the other.” What is the reason?
(A) Education sustains society, preserves culture, ushers in new one and inculcates values.
(B) Education helps to do away with social divisions and produces leaders for governance.
(C) Education makes people self employable/employable.
(D) Education modernises and makes society civilized.
Answer: (A) Education sustains society, preserves culture, ushers in new one and inculcates values.

11. ‘Alienation’ as a widespread social problem was first highlighted by
(A) Idealism
(B) Pragmatism
(C) Marxism
(D) Realism
Answer: (C) Marxism

12. What is the subject matter of Educational Sociology?
I. Social Processes and Social Change
II. Social Behaviour and Social Control
III. Social Institutions and Social Problems
IV. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary
(A) I, II and III
(B) IV, I and II
(C) III, IV and I
(D) II, III and IV
Answer: (A) I, II and III

13. What was the purpose of introducing the noon-meal scheme in primary schools?
(A) To keep primary teachers engaged.
(B) To increase enrolment in primary schools.
(C) To provide employment to cooks.
(D) To provide one square meal to children every day.
Answer: (B) To increase enrolment in primary schools.

14. What does the term ‘Socialization” refer to?
(A) Participating in social service activities.
(B) Process of interaction among members of the society and transmitting values.
(C) Instructions given to people through mass media to keep society free from corruption.
(D) Advising people to bring up their children as socially responsible beings.
Answer: (B) Process of interaction among members of the society and transmitting values.

15. ‘Hinayana’ is the name of which School of Buddhism?
(A) Theravada
(B) Vajrayana
(C) Tantric
(D) Esoteric
Answer: (A) Theravada

16. ‘Coherence’ is the criterion of truth is
(A) Existentialism
(B) Idealism
(C) Marxism
(D) Naturalism
Answer: (B) Idealism

17. ‘Metaphysics’ means
(A) a branch of Physics
(B) exploring the nature of ultimate reality
(C) Physics of metals
(D) Physics of weather
Answer: (B) exploring the nature of ultimate reality

18. The two basic divisions in Schools of Indian Philosophy are
(A) Vedanta and Buddhism
(B) Advaita and Dwaita
(C) Theistic and Atheistic
(D) Orthodox and Heterodox
Answer: (D) Orthodox and Heterodox

19. The ultimate goal of education in Jainism is
(A) Non-violence
(B) Renunciation
(C) Liberation
(D) Philanthropy
Answer: (C) Liberation

20. The ceremony of initiation of education in Buddhism is called
(A) Vidyarambam
(B) Upanayanam
(C) Pabajja
(D) Uparampada
Answer: (C) Pabajja

21. Researcher intends to ascertain the attitude of adolescents towards modernization, which one of the following tools is an appropriate one?
(A) Projective Technique
(B) Interview
(C) Likert Scale
(D) Sociometry
Answer: (C) Likert Scale

22. Which of the following is incorrect as a measure of dispersion?
(A) Quartile Deviation
(B) Range
(C) Standard Deviation
(D) Sampling Error
Answer: (D) Sampling Error

23. A researcher prepared a report based on the interviews of 25 people. Under which category, this research can be placed?
(A) Quantitative
(B) Qualitative
(C) Historical
(D) Scientific
Answer: (B) Qualitative

24. The Right to Education Act recently passed by our Parliament is an extension of the following article of our Constitution
(A) 13
(B) 15
(C) 45
(D) 55
Answer: (C) 45

25. Which of the following are essentially required on the part of the teacher for developing intercultural understanding in children?
I. Possession of knowledge of various cultures and subcultures.
II. Being progressive and open-minded
III. Being pious and religious
IV. Classroom communication skills
Choose the correct answers from the given options.
(A) I and II
(B) II and III
(C) III and IV
(D) IV and I
Answer: (D) IV and I

26. What is the striking contrast between “acclimatization” and “naturalization”?
I. Acclimatization is adjusting to the external environment.
II. Acclimatization is changing the room temperature and air circulation using appliances.
III. Naturalization is change of attitude as required by the new context.
IV. Acclimatization is external and Naturalization is internal.
Choose the correct answers from the given options.
(A) I, II and III
(B) II, III and IV
(C) III, IV and I
(D) IV, I and II
Answer: (C) III, IV and I

27. Introspection method lacks in
(A) Reliability
(B) Validity
(C) Objectivity
(D) All the above three
Answer: (D) All the above three

28. Which of the following thinkers said ‘Literacy itself is not education, literacy is only a means to education’?
(A) J. Krishnamurti
(B) Swami Vivekananda
(C) Sri Aurobindo
(D) Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: (D) Mahatma Gandhi

29. Which teaching method was evolved by Naturalism?
(A) Heuristic Method
(B) Playway Method
(C) Scientific Method
(D) Project Method
Answer: (B) Playway Method

30. Choose the correct or the best answer among the following:
‘Philosophy’ means
(A) Consoling oneself while facing disappointments in life.
(B) A form of religion.
(C) Attempt to find answer to fundamental and ultimate questions.
(D) Sophisticated arguments.
Answer: (C) Attempt to find answer to fundamental and ultimate questions.

31. The most ascetic School of Indian Philosophy is
(A) Buddhism
(B) Jainism
(C) Vedanta
(D) Sankhya
Answer: (B) Jainism

32. The number of Savants [Thirthankaras] in the Jain tradition is
(A) 10
(B) infinite
(C) 24
(D) 100
Answer: (C) 24

33. ‘Vinaya Pitaka’ deals with
(A) rules of conduct for the Buddhist Samga
(B) rules for polite behaviour for Jain monks
(C) rules for polite behaviour for Hindu Sannyasins
(D) Emperor Ashoka’s Edicts
Answer: (A) rules of conduct for the Buddhist Samga

34. Which one of the following is the stable measure of dispersion?
(A) Range
(B) Quartile Deviation
(C) Average Deviation
(D) Standard Deviation
Answer: (D) Standard Deviation

35. The method of drawing conclusions based on the observation of each and every instance of a population is called
(A) Scientific Method
(B) Deductive Method
(C) Inductive Method
(D) Dialectic Method
Answer: (C) Inductive Method

36. Positivistic research approach was advocated by
(A) Francis Bacon
(B) Stanley & Compbell
(C) Auguste Comte
(D) Babbit
Answer: (C) Auguste Comte

37. Something written in a holy book is held to be true by readers. This method of acquiring knowledge is termed as the method of
(A) Tenacity
(B) Authority
(C) Intuition
(D) Science
Answer: (B) Authority

38. A class teacher administered Thematic Apperception Test to a group of students to assess their
(A) Achievement
(B) Awareness
(C) Personality
(D) Attitude
Answer: (C) Personality

39. A class teacher asked all his students to take a test only as and when each one of them mastered the theory of Gravitation. This is an example of
(A) Norm Referenced Test
(B) Feasibility Test
(C) Summative Test
(D) Criterion Referenced Test
Answer: (D) Criterion Referenced Test

40. When a non-directional hypothesis is stated, the test of significance would be
(A) One tailed
(B) Two tailed
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Answer: (B) Two tailed

41. The critical difference between naturalism and pragmatism is in the importance accorded to
(A) aims
(B) methods
(C) social context
(D) evaluation
Answer: (A) aims

42. What are the checks and balances available in society for regulating social behaviour of people?
I. Mores, Folkways and Institutions
II. Enacted Laws and Punishments
III. Meditation and Prayer
IV. Reading religious books
Choose the correct answers from the codes given below:
(A) I and II
(B) II and III
(C) III and IV
(D) IV and I
Answer: (A) I and II

43. What is meant by ‘Culture’?
(A) Complex whole of what man has achieved as being a member of the society.
(B) Sophistication in dress, food, etc.
(C) Civilization marked by the use of modern electric home appliances
(D) Using of computers, mobile phones, internet, etc.
Answer: (A) Complex whole of what man has achieved as being a member of the society.

44. What is the objective of the Integrated Child Development Services?
I. Improving nutrition and health status of children upto 6 years.
II. Reducing child mortality rate in the country.
III. Providing quality primary education to children.
IV. Providing healthcare centres to take care of children’s health.
Choose the correct answers from the codes given below:
(A) I and II
(B) II and III
(C) III and IV
(D) IV and I
Answer: (A) I and II

Read the passage and answer from question Nos. 45 to 50:
“Every day, day after day, we see men and animals dying. But each man thinks he is going to live on forever. What can be more surprising than this?” So goes a passage in the Mahabharata. All religions are attempts to help man come to terms with death. Swami Vivekananda said, ‘so long as death is there religion will be there’.
However, it is common knowledge that very pious people are as much afraid of death as the no so pious. Gal Bellow, a Nobel Laureate in literature said, “The tragedy of civilization consists in the refusal of the doomed creature to die.” Jostling for space in the annals of history is an attempt to grapple with mortality. However, Norman O. Brown in his scholarly treatise, ‘Life against Death : A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of History’ concludes that the survival of mankind into the future urgently requires that we cultivate in every oncoming generation a consciousness that is willing and ready to die.
This is squarely a challenge for educational research. We must develop a curriculum that will enable every individual follow the ebb and flow of the clan vital in the parabola of the life cycle, savour the joys of sex in the waxing phase of the parabola and mellow with it in the waning phase.

45. According to the Mahabharata what is most surprising?
(A) People dying
(B) Animals dying
(C) Animals and people living
(D) Failure to accept death is inevitable for everyone
Answer: (D) Failure to accept death is inevitable for everyone

46. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) Religions attempt to help us accept death.
(B) Religions attempt to help us to live properly and die properly.
(C) Religions succeed in helping every one of their followers to accept death when the time comes.
(D) Death is there only because of religion.
Answer: (C) Religions succeed in helping every one of their followers to accept death when the time comes.

47. The tragedy of civilization consists in
(A) death
(B) facilitates that increase life expectancy
(C) increase in population
(D) desire of human beings to live on forever
Answer: (D) desire of human beings to live on forever

48. “Jostling for space in the annals of history” means
(A) struggling for lasting frame
(B) writing history books
(C) trying to get into spacecrafts
(D) trying to become a wrestler
Answer: (A) struggling for lasting frame

49. What do you think Norman O. Brown’s book is about?
(A) Life
(B) Death
(C) History
(D) Struggle between life and death
Answer: (D) Struggle between life and death

50. The essential message of this passage is best expressed as
(A) Celebration of living
(B) Celebration of dying
(C) Parabola of the life cycle
(D) Learning-to-Be and Not-to-Be
Answer: (D) Learning-to-Be and Not-to-Be

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