WB-SET-2014 Paper II Education

WB-SET-2014 Paper II Education 

1. ‘Educaion through productive work’ was
introduced by
(A) Vivekananda
(B) Gandhi
(C) Aurobindo
(D) Krisnamurthy

Answer: (B) Gandhi

2. Islamic epistemology based on Quranic thought
has the only one concern that is
(A) Values
(B) God
(C) Knowledge
(D) Self

Answer: (C) Knowledge

3. In order to compute the Spearman’s Rank
Difference Coefficient of Correlation,
(A) the distribution is assumed to be normal.
(B) variables are converted to an interval scale.
(C) variables must be in the ratio level.
(D) variables should be in an ordinal scale.

Answer: (D) variables should be in an ordinal scale.

4. “No disinterested pursuit of knowledge and no
intellectual education for its own sake” was the slogan
of the
(A) Realists
(B) Idealists
(C) Pragmatists
(D) Naturalists

Answer: (C) Pragmatists

5. Irrational generalization about an entire category
of people is
(A) Discrimination
(B) Stereotype
(C) Prejudice
(D) Superstition

Answer: (C) Prejudice

6. Culture is based on a group of people in regard to
(A) its learned behaviour
(B) its total feelings
(C) its interrelationships
(D) its mutual understandings

Answer: (A) its learned behaviour

7. Which of the following method is related to
Francis Bacon
(A) Inductive method
(B) Deductive method
(C) Scientific method
(D) Experimental method

Answer: (A) Inductive method

8. The maximum contribution to the process of
socialisation, in general, comes from
(A) Teacher
(B) Home
(C) School
(D) Community

Answer: (B) Home

9. Aurobindo’s views on education give
importance to
(A) Science
(B) Religion
(C) Skills
(D) Politics

Answer: (C) Skills

10. Which one of the following helps in drawing
generalization in a research study?
(A) Analysis of results
(B) Discussion of findings
(C) Organisation of results
(D) Interpretation of results

Answer: (D) Interpretation of results

11. Fluid intelligence is grounded in
(A) Brain development
(B) Sociocultural pattern
(C) Central processor unit
(D) Cognitive development

Answer: (A) Brain development

12. In statistical analysis, the levels of significance
(A) The chances being right
(B) The chances not being wrong
(C) The chances being wrong
(D) The chances not being right

Answer: (B) The chances not being wrong

13. If in a social set up people are working against
others in order to obtain possession, they are said to have
(A) Conflict
(B) Cooperation
(C) Competition
(D) Accomodation

Answer: (A) Conflict

14. Which one of the following intelligence is
propounded by Gardner?
(A) Social
(B) Emotional
(C) Analytical
(D) Intra-personal

Answer: (D) Intra-personal

15. Match the following:
        List-A                                          List-B
(Characteristic)                           (Philosophy)
(a) Learning by doing             (i) Naturalism
(b) Education through             (ii) Idealism
(c) Realization of truth,           (iii) Pragmatism
beauty and goodness
(d) ‘‘World as it is here           (iv) Realism
and now’’
                                                (v) Existentialism

           (a)      (b)       (c)         (d)
(A)      (iii)    (i)       (ii)         (iv)
(B)      (i)       (iv)     (ii)         (iii)
(C)      (i)       (iii)     (ii)        (iv)
(D)      (iii)     (ii)     (iv)         (v)

Answer: (A)      (iii)    (i)       (ii)         (iv)

16. Biological function of family is
(A) Nurturance of children
(B) Preservation of race
(C) Transmission of culture
(D) Transmission of human experience

Answer: (B) Preservation of race

17. Forgetting happens in
(A) Long-term memory
(B) Short-term memory
(C) Rehearsal buffer
(D) Working memory

Answer: (D) Working memory

18. Who introduced the triarchic theory of
(A) J. P. Guilford
(B) L. M. Terman
(C) L. L. Thurstone
(D) R. Sternberg

Answer: (D) R. Sternberg

19. ‘‘Mean Language achievement score of boys
equals with the mean Language achievement score of
girls’’. It is a
(A) Null hypothesis.
(B) Alternative hypothesis.
(C) Non-directional hypothesis in null form.
(D) Non-directional hypothesis in alternate form.

Answer: (C) Non-directional hypothesis in null form.

20. Who was the founder of Sankhya Philosophy?
(A) Kapil
(B) Kanad
(C) Gautam
(D) Charvak

Answer: (A) Kapil

21. Social learning theory emphasises learning
(A) observation of others
(B) social interaction
(C) interpersonal intelligence
(D) emotional intelligence

Answer: (A) observation of others

22. Which one of the following value is not a
fundamental democratic value?
(A) Justice
(B) Compromise
(C) Liberty
(D) Individual dignity

Answer: (B) Compromise

23. A scientific method of enquiry in research is
based on
(A) Dewey’s deductive method
(B) Deductive and inductive method
(C) Method of knowledge and tradition
(D) Aristotle’s method of single variable

Answer: (B) Deductive and inductive method

24. In Piaget’s theory the actual changes in thinking
take place through the process of
(A) Assimilation
(B) Accomodation
(C) Organization
(D) Equilibration

Answer: (D) Equilibration

25. Match the items of Column-A with that of

Column-A                                    Column-B
(a) Spelling mistakes in           (i) Expost facto
English research
(b) Developmental                   (ii) Experimental
pattern at one point research
of time
(c) Effect of watching              (iii) Cross-sectional
television on research
(d) Impact of education            (iv) Longitudinal
on social status research
                                                   (v) Action research

           (a)   (b)    (c)     (d)
(A)     (v)   (iii)   (iv)    (i)
(B)     (iii)   (ii)    (i)     (v)
(C)      (v)   (iii)   (ii)     (i)
(D)     (iv)   (iii)   (v)     (i)

Answer: (C)      (v)   (iii)   (ii)     (i)

26. A disadvantage in a particular situation,
sometimes caused by a disability is called
(A) Impairment
(B) Handicap
(C) Disorder
(D) Challenged

Answer: (B) Handicap

27. Gestalt theory of learning is a perception of
(A) a sum total of any situation.
(B) any situation with its various elements.
(C) any situation on a whole.
(D) the parts of a whole situation.

Answer: (C) any situation on a whole.

28. A group of people who have been socially
disadvantaged is
(A) A racial group
(B) A minority group
(C) An ethnic group
(D) A religious group

Answer: (B) A minority group

29. ‘One should love thy neighbour as thyself’ is a
subject matter of
(A) Morality
(B) Beliefs
(C) Values
(D) Ethics

Answer: (D) Ethics

30. Which one of the following distinguishes
scientific method from an enquiry method of research?
(A) Criticism
(B) Syllogism
(C) Empiricism
(D) Postivism

Answer: (C) Empiricism

31. The ability to use symbols (language, pictures,
signs or gestures) to represent actions or objects mentally
is called
(A) Semantic function
(B) Semiotic function
(C) Symbolic function
(D) Seriation

Answer: (B) Semiotic function

32. “Social nature” of education implies that it

(A) ensures desirable socialisation of the child.
(B) ensures the development of the child’s
(C) educates the child for citizenship.
(D) enables the child to be vocationally

Answer: (A) ensures desirable socialisation of the child.

33. The process of attaining one’s existence as per
Existentialism is
(A) Essence, struggle, pain and pleasure,
(B) Lonliness, pain and pleasure, struggle,
(C) Lonliness, struggle, pain and pleasure,
(D) Essence, pain and pleasure, struggle,

Answer: (C) Lonliness, struggle, pain and pleasure,

34. Cosmology and ontology are the branches of
(A) Epistemology
(B) Metaphysics
(C) Phenomenology
(D) Skepticism

Answer: (B) Metaphysics

35. Parametric statistical tests are used when

(A) the nature of distribution of the variables in
the population is not known.
(B) the variable is measured at least in the interval
(C) sample size is more than 30.
(D) homogeniety of variance can not be assumed.

Answer: (B) the variable is measured at least in the interval

36. The extinction of a conditioned response occurs
due to
(A) Lack of drive
(B) Absence of reinforcement
(C) Increasing inhibition
(D) Decreasing expectancy

Answer: (B) Absence of reinforcement

37. Community means a group of individuals who
(A) living in the same territory.
(B) informally organized.
(C) formally organized.
(D) having the similar caste.

Answer: (B) informally organized.

38. Concept of ‘open classroom’ is the contribution
(A) Naturalism
(B) Existentialism
(C) Humanism
(D) Pragmatism

Answer: (C) Humanism

39. Which of the following is an essential feature of
interview as a research tool?
(A) Intimacy before interview
(B) Formal contact before interview
(C) Follow-up after interview
(D) Commitment during interview

Answer: (D) Commitment during interview

40. The term ‘teacher in co-educational school’ is
operationally defined as ‘Teacher teaching
(A) Students in co-educational school.
(B) Boys and girls in co-educational school in
(C) Students in a government co-educational
(D) Boys and girls in a private co-educational
school in Punjab.

Answer: (D) Boys and girls in a private co-educational
school in Punjab.

41. Example of secondary group is
(A) Playgroup
(B) Family
(C) Neighbourhood
(D) Youth club

Answer: (D) Youth club

42. ‘Vedanta recognizes no sin, it only recognizes
error–’ is the saying of
(A) Sankara
(B) Ramanuja
(C) R. N. Tagore
(D) Swami Vivekananda

Answer: (D) Swami Vivekananda

43. A measure obtained from a sample is termed as
(A) Parameter
(B) Statistic
(C) Standard error
(D) Sampling error

Answer: (B) Statistic

44. In Maslow’s heirarchy of needs, lower level
needs are
(A) Being needs
(B) Constitutional needs
(C) Starvation needs
(D) Deficiency needs

Answer: (D) Deficiency needs

45. If socio cultural pattern does not change at the
same rate as the material culture then
(A) cultural lag appears
(B) progressive culture emerges
(C) regression culture appears
(D) conflict-ridden culture emerges

Answer: (A) cultural lag appears

46. Converting a factor related to dependent variable
into a constant in any study reduces
(A) Between variance
(B) Total variance
(C) Within variance
(D) Among variance

Answer: (C) Within variance

47. Which of the following least influence the
process of education?
(A) The culture of the society
(B) Social class structures
(C) The upper middle class of the society
(D) Political organization of the society

Answer: (C) The upper middle class of the society

48. The perceptual response to a stimulus is essentially
(A) Intuitive response
(B) Objective response
(C) Subjective response
(D) Learned response

Answer: (B) Objective response

49. The study of society is nothing but study of
(A) Mores
(B) Conventions
(C) Laws
(D) Folkways

Answer: (D) Folkways

50. Motivation associated with activities that are
their own reward is called
(A) Achievement motivation
(B) Extrinsic motivation
(C) Intrinsic motivation
(D) Intervening motivation

Answer: (C) Intrinsic motivation


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