Education Paper III UGC-NET Dec 2012

UGC NET December-2012 Paper III Education 

1. Who said this “Education is man making. It is that by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, intellect is expanded and by which man can stand on his own feet”?
(A) Vivekananda
(B) Tagore
(C) Dayanand Saraswati
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) Vivekananda

2. In List – I the name of the philosopher and philosophy is given and in List – II statements regarding the philosophy is given. Match the List – I with List – II in correct order:
 List – I                          List – II
a. Tagore                   i. Harmonious development of
b. Vivekananda         ii. The doctrine of karma
c. Mahatma Gandhi  iii. Child is more, important than all kinds of books
d. Buddhism             iv. Yoga as a method of education
     v. The doctrine of dharma
       a    b    c    d
(A)   v    I     ii    iv
(B)   iii   iv    i     ii
(C)  iii    iv    ii    v
(D)  iv    ii     i    iii
Answer: (B) iii   iv    i     ii

3. Purpose of creation of the universe and its relation to man and god is discussed in
(A) Metaphysics
(B) Ethics
(C) Epistemology
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) Metaphysics

4. Which of the following agency regulates education?
(A) Church
(B) State
(C) School
(D) Library
Answer: (B) State

5. “The greatness of a nation is to be measured not by its material power and wealth but by the intercultural relationship of its people.” Who said this?
(A) Dr. Radhakrishnan
(B) Tagore
(C) Vivekananda
(D) Gandhi
Answer: (A) Dr. Radhakrishnan

6. Which of the following does not specify Max Weber’s concept of social stratification?
(A) Educational Status
(B) Income and Wealth
(C) Political Power
(D) Social Prestige
Answer: (A) Educational Status

7. If rules of multiplication helps in learning correlation or regression, then it is an example of
(A) Sequential transfer
(B) Horizontal transfer
(C) Negative transfer
(D) Vertical transfer
Answer: (B) Horizontal transfer

8. According to Freud, Super Ego is properly developed during
(A) Latency period
(B) Anal period
(C) Phallic period
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) Latency period

9. When response is based on uncommon area of the blot, it is denoted by
(A) S
(B) Dd
(C) DW
(D) DdW
Answer: (B) Dd

10. Individual psychology of personality was given by
(A) A. Adler
(B) Jung
(C) Eysenck
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) A. Adler

11. Which of the following theories is most quantitatively measurable?
(A) Pavlov’s
(B) Skinner’s
(C) Hull’s
(D) None of these
Answer: (C) Hull’s

12. Maladjusted children are mostly found in
(A) Broken families or unitary families
(B) Poor or joint families
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) Broken families or unitary families

13. Theory of generalization is similar to the theory of
(A) Transposition
(B) Identical elements
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these
Answer: (B) Identical elements

14. Which is the highest level of concept formation?
(A) Formal level
(B) Sensory level
(C) Concrete level
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) Formal level

15. Which of the following is the apex body in the area of Teacher Education in India?
Answer: (C) NCTE

16. Who have signed MOU for accreditation of Teacher Education Institutions in India?
(A) NAAC and UGC
(C) UGC and NCTE
(D) None of the above
Answer: (B) NCTE and NAAC

17. As per NCTE norms, what should be the pattern of teaching staff for a unit of 100 students at B.Ed. level?
(A) 1 + 7
(B) 1 + 9
(C) 1 + 10
(D) 1 + 5
Answer: (A) 1 + 7

18. There are three phases of teaching given by P. Jackson, which of the following is incorrect one?
(A) Pre-active phase
(B) Underactive phase
(C) Interactive phase
(D) Post-active phase
Answer: (B) Underactive phase

19. Which of the following is the least important aspect of the teachers’ role in the guidance of learning?
(A) The development of insight into what constitutes an adequate performance.
(B) The development of insight to overcome the pitfalls and obstacles.
(C) The provision of encouragement and moral support.
(D) The provision of continuous diagnostic and remedial help.
Answer: (B) The development of insight to overcome the pitfalls and obstacles.

20. Which of the following qualities of a teacher will be liked most by you?
(A) Idealistic philosophy
(B) Compassion
(C) Discipline
(D) Entertaining
Answer: (B) Compassion

21. The most important challenge for a teacher is
(A) To maintain discipline in the classroom.
(B) To make students do their homework.
(C) To prepare the question-bank.
(D) To make teaching process enjoyable.
Answer: (D) To make teaching process enjoyable.

22. Techno-Pedagogic competency is
(A) A science of using technology in teaching.
(B) A technique of combining principles of technology and principles of teaching.
(C) A set of skills of interweaving technology into teaching and learning both scientifically and aesthetically.
(D) A competence to develop techno pedagogic systems in education.
Answer: (C) A set of skills of interweaving technology into teaching and learning both scientifically and aesthetically.

23. Which of the following skills are needed for present day teacher to adjust properly with the classroom teaching?
1. Knowledge of technology
2. Use of technology in teaching learning
3. Knowledge of student’s needs
4. Content mastery
(A) 1 and 3
(B) 2 and 3
(C) 2, 3 and 4
(D) 2 and 4
Answer: (C) 2, 3 and 4

24. Psycho-analytic approach of counselling was first introduced by
(A) Adler
(B) Jung
(C) Freud
(D) None of these
Answer: (C) Freud

25. Which of the following tools of collecting psychological information about pupils is the most objective?
(A) Rating scale
(B) Interview
(C) Standardized tests
(D) Projective devices
Answer: (C) Standardized tests

26. According to psycho-analysis theory of personality, neurotic disorders are caused by
(A) Repression of desires
(B) Inactivity of libido
(C) Role of unconscious mind
(D) All of these
Answer: (A) Repression of desires

27. Which of the following does not belong to the category of non probability sample?
(A) Quota sample
(B) Multi-stage sample
(C) Purposive sample
(D) Incidental sample
Answer: (B) Multi-stage sample

28. The research proposals sent to research institutes for financial assistance must have
(A) The whole plan and procedure
(B) Budget requirements and time schedule
(C) Definite objectives of research
(D) None of the above
Answer: (B) Budget requirements and time schedule

29. Which of the following is not an approach of analysis of qualitative data?
(A) Logical Analysis
(B) Criterion Analysis
(C) Content Analysis
(D) Inductive Analysis
Answer: (B) Criterion Analysis

30. Internal criticism is done
(A) To verify the accuracy of the source.
(B) To verify the authenticity of the source.
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) To verify the accuracy of the source.

31. Which of the following commissions suggested silent meditation as a part of moral values?
(A) Secondary Education Commission
(B) University Education Commission
(C) National Education Commission
(D) Indian Education Commission
Answer: (B) University Education Commission

32. Which of the following is described as Magna-Carta of Indian Education?
(A) Sargent Commission
(B) Wood’s Despatch
(C) Macaulay Minutes
(D) Hunter Commission
Answer: (B) Wood’s Despatch

33. “Rising knowledge to wisdom is real education” was said by
(A) Rigveda
(B) Chhandogya Upanishad
(C) Samaveda
(D) Bhagvadh Geeta
Answer: (B) Chhandogya Upanishad

34. The Oriental School of Thought is related to
(A) Knowledge of science
(B) Classical literature
(C) Conservation of fashion
(D) Learning of natives
Answer: (B) Classical literature

35. ‘Leviathan’ was written by
(A) Locke
(B) Hobbes
(C) Rousseau
(D) Hegel
Answer: (B) Hobbes

36. ‘Project is a whole-hearted purposeful activity proceeding on a social environment”, it was defined by
(A) John Dewey
(B) Ballard
(C) Kilpatrick
(D) Adamson
Answer: (C) Kilpatrick

37. Who said that the school be made as miniature society?
(A) Skinner
(B) Thorndike
(C) Herbert
(D) Dewey
Answer: (C) Herbert

38. ‘Socialization’ is a process by which the individual is adapted to his
(A) Classroom environment
(B) Social environment
(C) Political environment
(D) Cultural environment
Answer: (B) Social environment

39. The movement from one social class to another is known as
(A) Social status
(B) Social control
(C) Social change
(D) Social mobility
Answer: (D) Social mobility

40. ‘Cultural Lag’ is the term used by
(A) Ogburn
(B) Pyne
(C) Weber
(D) Marx
Answer: (A) Ogburn

41. District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) was started in
(A) 1990
(B) 1994
(C) 1998
(D) 1996
Answer: (B) 1994

42. Supervision is a continuous activity whereas Inspection is a
(A) General activity in a common place
(B) Special activity in a given moment
(C) Complex activity in a situation
(D) Specific activity in a specific time
Answer: (D) Specific activity in a specific time

43. Who propounded the ‘self’ theory of personality?
(A) Kretschmar
(B) Allport
(C) Eysenck
(D) Roger
Answer: (D) Roger

44. Match the following List – I with List – II in correct order:
          List – I                             List – II
a. Classical conditioning         i. Kohler
b. Drive reduction                   ii. Hull
c. Sign Gestalt learning          iii. Pavlov
d. Learning by insight             iv. Skinner
            v. Tolman
       a   b   c   d
(A)  iv   ii   v   i
(B)  iii   ii   v   i
(C)  iv   ii   I   v
(D)  iii   ii   i   v
Answer: (B) iii   ii   v   i

45. In the List – I name of the Psychologists are given and in List – II the theories developed by them.
Match the List – I with List – II in correct order:
      List – I                         List – II
a. Freud                 i. Two factor theory
b. Spearman          ii. Creativity
c. Rorschach         iii. Psycho-analysis
d. Torrance            iv. Projective technique
  v. Multifactor theory
       a   b   c   d
(A)   i   iii   ii   iv
(B)   ii   v   iii  iv
(C)   iv  iii   v   ii
(D)  iii    i    iv  ii
Answer: (D) iii    i    iv  ii

46. University Education Commission constituted in 1948 was appointed by
(A) Ministry of Human Resource Development
(B) Ministry of Education
Answer: (B) Ministry of Education

47. Rearrange the following steps of social learning theory as given by Bandura:
a. Remembering the behaviour.
b. Connecting the memory in action.
c. Reinforcement of the imitated behaviour.
d. Attending and perceiving the behaviour.
(A) b, a, d, c
(B) d, a, b, c
(C) a, b, d, c
(D) d, a, c, b
Answer: (B) d, a, b, c

48. Education falls under the
(A) Concurrent List
(B) Fundamental Rights
(C) Constitution of India
(D) State List
Answer: (A) Concurrent List

49. Critically judge the following:
Assertion (A): Motivation is important in the process of teaching and learning.
Reason (R): Motivation is attraction towards a goal and clarifies its meaning.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
(B) Only (A) is correct.
(C) Only (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
Answer: (D) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

50. Curriculum means
(A) All the experiences which students get in school.
(B) Subject that are transferred by the faculty.
(C) Syllabus prescribed for the course.
(D) Class experiences, sports and games.
Answer: (A) All the experiences which students get in school.

51. Programmed learning is based on the principles of
(A) Conditioned Learning Theory
(B) Cognitive Learning Theory
(C) Gestalt Learning Theory
(D) Operant-conditioning
Answer: (D) Operant-conditioning

52. According to Piaget, at what stage does abstract thinking begin to develop?
(A) Sensory motor
(B) Pre-operational
(C) Concrete operational
(D) Formal operational
Answer: (D) Formal operational

53. Which of the following is the incorrect pair?
(A) Sign Theory of Learning – Tolman
(B) Field Theory of Learning – Lewin
(C) Social Learning Theory – Bruner
(D) Trial and error Theory – Thorndike
Answer: (C) Social Learning Theory – Bruner

54. Match the following:
   List – I                                            List – II
a. Sentence Completion Test      1. Association
b. Multiple Choice                        2. Recognition
c. Match the following                  3. Comprehension
d. Read the passage
and answer the question             4. Recall
       a   b   c   d
(A)  4,  2,  1,  3
(B)  4,  3,  2,  1
(C)  4,  2,  3,  1
(D)  3,  2,  1,  4
Answer: (A) 4,  2,  1,  3

55. Which is the most effective reinforcement schedule according to operant conditioning theory of learning for stable learning?
(A) Continuous reinforcement
(B) Fixed ratio reinforcement
(C) Variable ratio reinforcement
(D) Fixed interval reinforcement
Answer: (C) Variable ratio reinforcement

56. Xerophthalmia is a result of insufficient amount of
(A) Vitamin C
(B) Vitamin B
(C) Vitamin D
(D) Vitamin A
Answer: (D) Vitamin A

57. A child who has unusual difficulty in oral instruction may have the following impairment
(A) Intellectual disability
(B) Cerebral Palsy
(C) Hearing impairment
(D) Visual impairment
Answer: (C) Hearing impairment

58. The child who reads numbers wrongly has the following learning disability
(A) Dyscrasia
(B) Dyslexia
(C) Dyspepsia
(D) Dyscalculia
Answer: (B) Dyslexia

59. The child having the difficulty in picking up objects is suspected to have
(A) Lower level of intellectual function
(B) Sight impairment
(C) Speech impairment
(D) Locomotor impairment
Answer: (D) Locomotor impairment

60. Delinquency is committed by the children of the age group
(A) 8 – 18 years
(B) 6 – 14 years
(C) 7 – 15 years
(D) 9 – 19 years
Answer: (C) 7 – 15 years

61. Which of the following philosophies are most tilted to individualism?
(A) Jainism
(B) Samkhya
(C) Buddhism
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) Jainism

62. Research means
(A) Searching again and again
(B) Finding solution to any problem
(C) Scientific approach to new truth
(D) Conducting experiment
Answer: (C) Scientific approach to new truth

63. Which of the following is the first step in the research process?
(A) Searching sources of information.
(B) Survey of related literature.
(C) Identification of a broad area of research.
(D) Searching for solution to problem.
Answer: (C) Identification of a broad area of research.

64. If a researcher conduct a research on finding out which administrative style contributes more to institutional effectiveness, this will be an example of
(A) Ex post facto research
(B) Action research
(C) Applied research
(D) Fundamental research
Answer: (C) Applied research

65. A researcher is generally expected to
(A) Study the existing literature in a field.
(B) Generate new principles and theories.
(C) Synthesize the ideas given by others.
(D) Evaluate the findings of a study.
Answer: (B) Generate new principles and theories.

66. The process of educational research involves the following steps:
(1) Collection of data
(2) Statement of objectives
(3) Selecting the problem
(4) Method/Procedure
(5) Analysis and Interpretation of data
(6) Reporting the results
Which of the following sequence is correct?
(A) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6
(B) 1, 3, 2, 5, 6, 4
(C) 3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 5
(D) 3, 2, 5, 1, 6, 4
Answer: (A) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6

67. The Government of India conducts Census after every 10 years. The method of research used in this process is
(A) Case Study
(B) Developmental
(C) Survey
(D) Experimental
Answer: (C) Survey

68. Items of List – I and List – II given below have one-to-one relationship on some basis. Identify the inherent relationship and select the correct matching from the given options:
       List – I                         List – II
a. Experimental           1. Sampling
b. Historical                 2. Meta-analysis
c. Philosophical           3. Internal criticism
d. Descriptive              4. Content analysis
               5. Internal validity
      a    b   c   d
(A)  3   5   2   3
(B)  1   4   2   5
(C)  3   4   2   1
(D) 5    3   4   1
Answer: (D) 5    3   4   1

69. Two variables X and Y are significantly correlated. This means that
(A) X causes variation in Y.
(B) Y causes variation in X.
(C) X and Y vary together.
(D) No such conclusion may be drawn.
Answer: (C) X and Y vary together.

70. Which of the following types of studies results in findings which could not be generalized to other situations?
(A) Descriptive
(B) Historical
(C) Experimental
(D) Causal Comparative
Answer: (B) Historical

71. The Rosarch Inkblot test consists of
(A) Five black and five coloured cards
(B) Ten black and ten white cards
(C) Five black and white & five multi-coloured cards
(D) Ten multi-coloured cards
Answer: (C) Five black and white & five multi-coloured cards

72. Which of the following terms is Brelevant to a qualitative study?
(A) Comparison
(B) Prediction
(C) Correlation
(D) Exploration
Answer: (D) Exploration

73. Which of the following is a characteristic feature only of experimental studies?
(A) Control of extraneous variables.
(B) Study of cause and effect relationship.
(C) Observing variation in the dependent variable.
(D) Manipulation of treatment variable.
Answer: (D) Manipulation of treatment variable.

74. When a researcher checks the genuineness and authenticity of the source material, it is known as
(A) External validity
(B) External criticism
(C) Concurrent validity
(D) Internal consistency
Answer: (B) External criticism

75. An investigator studied the census data for a given area and prepared a write up based on them. Such a write-up is called
(A) Research Paper
(B) Article
(C) Thesis
(D) Research Report
Answer: (B) Article

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